Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Volition Schmolition.

I, again, REALLY did not want to go to the gym today.

I have to shadow my last tour today, and so that cuts down the ol' free time in the day. I was thinking instead of going to the gym I could just get up and get stuff done.

But then I realized I'm doing pretty dang well with the homework thing, and so why not just go. Dang. No good excuses!

So I go, and it's gorgeous out. And then this homeless man yells at me, but I've got a great song in my head and I can't really understand what he says so I let that one roll off the old back and don't take it personally. That can be really upsetting, if you've never experienced the weary smiled followed by endless explatives at a a top notch volume and rage... but it's sunny today in many ways and so I wasn't phased.

I got to the gym, did the ol' cardio and some stretching, abs, stuff with the crazy ball (i love those!)... my abs are still sore from Monday! I was kind of happy about that because my abs rarely get sore, they just get tired in the moment, but they were sore today! I think my goal now is to kind of very my workouts so that my body doesn't get uesd to a routine- so it keeps a' burnin!

Well I've gotta get ready, but just thought I'd share my morning's events with y'all!


melissa o said...

You are so good. I didnt work out yesterday because I didn't leave Lindsey until 5:45 and had praise team...

(Sorry I didn't call! Will Thursday work?)

So you are making me want to go and do some elliptical before hipity-hop tonight...