Thursday, September 22, 2005

You Look Nice Today.

Do you ever see people walking around or maybe at work, school- whatever- and you just feel like you want to tell them they look good? I'm not talking about being attracted to them- that has nothing to do with it. I mean you just have this moment where you are walking down the street and you see a guy with a great suit and tie- and you just want to tell him it looks good! Or you see a lady walking with her coffee and bag, she's got a great skirt and blouse on, and her hair looks nice... and you want to say "hey, you look really nice today!"

Here's the thing though, guys- you can't really do that. Or at least we don't. I have done it before, and I think others take it as compliment, but most of the time I think "ahh, they'll think I'm a creep!" and so I say nothing. But why is that? Why is it that we can't bring ourselves to just tell people they are funny, or attractive, or that we like their outfit or hair or shoes or smile?

My challenge to you all, and to myself of course, is to say it outloud next time you think it- tell her she's pretty, tell him you like his shirt, tell them they have great taste, good laughs, whatever!


Anonymous said... did it go?

Did you tell a stranger they looked nice?

I want to know!