Monday, December 15, 2008


Hello all,

So I just posted the Thanksgiving post and thought I'd give you a quick little update since that business is a few weeks old.

We are REALLY enjoying being home together! So far Matthew's work has been really laid back since everyone one went on block leave December 5. We don't have enough leave to take the whole month off so Matthew has been working, but most of the days have been going to PT and that is it! So he is done with his work day by about 7am. Honestly, it makes me glad we AREN'T taking leave- it is so laid back right now it would be a shame to waste leave days on this!

And I finished school! Woo. I finished out well, except I did have to leave my last 19th century lit class early after I did my presentation due to food poisoning... but other than that, i think things finished up well. I actually have no idea how to check my grades so I have no idea how I did, but I know that I did my best, and considering the hectic events surrounding finals I'm happy with how things ended. So now I am enjoying my MONTH off! Ahhh, how nice!

I cannot explain the LACK of stress right now. I know that is probably So unfair to say because most of you have real jobs and your husbands/boyfriends/parents/close ones also do. But right now it feels like Matthew and I are just playing house, and after this year... it is SO needed. It is wonderful knowing that we are flying to Utah for 10 days and going to see family and good friends, and NOT have to pack up everything we own in the Civic, drive across the country, live in a hotel, stare our first deployment in the face..... you get the idea. Some of those nasty stressors from last year just aren't there this year! Praise God!

So what have I been doing, you ask? Well, cooking quite a bit. We have had some great meals, and I have enjoyed making a lot of stuff from Scratch. of course I have pictures, but I won't bore you with those in this post :)

We've been seeing friends a lot, and tomorrow I will be babysitting my neighbor's little boy who just turned 1. I am excited! Sadly, they are moving away for some training so that is VERY sad, but as we always here, the Army is a small little world and we'll hopefully see them again soon.

Well I think that covers the latest happenings. We'll be in Utah the 20-30 and are excited to breath mountain air and HOPEFULLY be snowed on! We can't wait to see you if you are in utah, and if you are not, we'd love to hear how you are! Also, after the 30th we'll be here, back into a heavier work (and eventually school) schedule but we'd LOVE to have visitors! If you have a break, long weekend, or spring break, come see us!!!

ok, peace out for now, more soon.....!


melissa o said...

There is nothing wrong with getting to play house - you enjoy it to the FULLEST.

Love you.