Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tomorrow is only a day away.

Duh, you knew that? So did I silly!

But the point is... tomorrow I graduate! Insanity!

I have my college- Gallatin- graduation tomorrow at 2, then a Graduation Alley celebration complete with fireworks tomorrow night, and then Thursday morning I join the rest of the graduating class (I will post the number when I find out- probably this weekend) in Washington Square Park!


I'm pretty psyched. Its fun. Its sad. But mostly, I'll be relieved when its over.. you know?

Home on Friday am- I return to life in Utah for six months and happily rejoin my fiance to END our long distance relationship!

Work starts Monday, and if you still haven't signed up for the Ogden Marathon (volunteer!) then get to it!

Looking forward to catching up and you shared wisdom about graduating, or your offer for a free lunch (ha... just kidding. But lunch WITH you would be good!).



melissa o said...


No, but SERIOUSLY. Sorry I stupidly forgot. I will call on Friday.

YAY for graduation!!! I am SOOOO proud of you! T-minus one month until I get to see you!

Kimber said...

Congratulations miss. I look forward to having lunch with you and talking about the last month's adventures.

melissa o said...

You have to promise me to be good at updating this summer. (Yeah, I'm one to talk, i realize.) But I want to see in pictures what is going on in wedding-land sinc ei can't be there!!!!