Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Change Is Gonna Come.

I've been thinking a lot lately about all the changes that will happen in the next few months to a year. BIG changes. I was talking to Joanna about it, and she suggested that I make an attempt to start processing these changes, and just be aware that each of them will affect me in different ways.

The big changes I see coming are:

1- Graduation- May 2007

2- Leaving New York City, a place I've dreamed about being since I was 12- May 2007

3- Getting a real job- Sometime after May 2007

4- Getting Married- August 11, 2007

5- Moving away for reals- TBD after August 11, 2007

HUGE, pretty much. And all, thank you Lord, GOOD. Some are bittersweet- graduation certainly. I have actually been daydreaming about taking some french classes at Weber in the summer, and then I realized that I'm psycho and I promised myself at LEAST the summer as a break from school. I love school, and I think a part of me is terrified to leave it because it is something I know I'm good at. At the same time I may follow the path of other school lovers (and geniuses, naturally) and continue to go back again and again... yeah, that sounds nice. But again, it's not automatic like college was.

Moving away from New York- let's actually not talk about that. I'm back in one of the mountains where I don't want to leave. The valleys come fast too, so I know part of me will be so relieved to leave, but it is going to be surprisingly hard, I bet.

Real job- that is primarily exciting, but still very UNKNOWN which is usually the theme of change. I hope that I can avoid the comparisons with other recent graduates, and avoid grading myself based on my salary or position. I want to learn and grow in this time, not stress about getting the most money out of the best possible title I can get.

Marriage- again, FREAKING HUGE. And amazing. I'm overjoyed to be marrying Matthew in (check it!) Less than 10 months. It is big change though- Staci is a great roommate, Matthew's gonna have some standards to live up to! hehe, but really. It means so many things, so many wonderful and exciting things. This is another primarily exciting one- but still, scary. And not scary bad, boo, halloween scary, but like.... wow, this is a really big deal.

And Moving- that is huge again. Moving away officially from Utah will be hard, and yet I'm so glad I've done it. It's different in school, I know, but still. I am REALLY excited to find out where we'll be, I think that will be some of the most exciting news to come in the next few months! I may be coming to a city near you! WOO! And with my Officer of a Husband too!

Well I have to get to class or I'd expound and bore you all some more. If you get a chance let me know what change you're going through, how you feel about it, and share any brilliance about dealing with the above changes that you have!

Love to you all!


Kimber said...

Wow lady, putting that all down really puts into perspective how much life is going to change for you in the next little while, but look at them, all great, exciting, adventurous things!
I hope I get to see you while you are here, AND, I hope your birthday present gets here with the box I shipped from Italy in time!!

melissa o said...

Supa excitement lady!

I cannot wait for you to be married. It just gets better EVERY DAY. :)